APrime technology
Intent on making the world a better place by driving innovation and building products that matter.
Blog Posts

EHR: Build vs. Buy? The Best Healthtech Companies Are Doing Both (Part 1)
One dilemma we often field from our clients is whether to build or buy an EHR — but in our experience, that’s not actually the right question. In nearly every case, a hybrid strategy is the right move and the real challenge is deciding which EHR components to build and which ones to buy.

EHR: Build vs. Buy? Making the Decision for Each Core Component (Part 2)
Whether you’re buying an off-the-shelf solution, building from the ground up, or mixing both, these core components shape the foundation of your tech stack.

derisk-sql: Remove unexpected risks from your SQL migrations
An overview of APrime’s derisk-sql: how it prevents mistakes from entering your SQL migration files and impacting your releases, how easy it is to extend with additional checks, and how it can improve your database performance, optimization, and storage usage!

APrime’s LLM Kit, Part 3: In-Depth Walkthrough of Self-Hosted AI Setup
This guide provides a detailed breakdown of the various steps required to launch a self-hosted AI Model in AWS via our free quickstart script and Terraform modules. If you have additional questions or want to learn more about anything in this guide, please reach out to us via This is Part 3 of our…
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